Network for Youth Civic Engagement - - - N-YCE

In-person opportunities to share ideas and learning are great, but what happens when we can’t get together in person?

In-person opportunities to share ideas and learning are great, but what happens when we can’t get together in person?

N-YCE (pronounced like “nice”) is a tool for local youth councils, mayor’s youth advisory boards, or other youth civic engagement groups to share great ideas, ask questions, and build relationships across the U.S.

Testing Period

We are launching a free test period for six months to engage youth leaders and adult staff in fine tuning N-YCE!

To join or learn more, email

N-YCE offers:

  • Routine and on demand virtual discussions for members on topics of shared interest, open networking, or troubleshooting.

  • A private, moderated email listserv to ask questions, share ideas, and connect with youth civic engagement groups from around the country.

  • A resource bank of shared documents.

  • Password-protected video discussions to share ideas, troubleshoot projects, and network.

How do we share ideas, troubleshoot problems, and network when we can’t meet in person?

How do we share ideas, troubleshoot problems, and network when we can’t meet in person?


Who should join N-YCE?

Youth civic engagement groups can be members of N-YCE. Youth civic engagement groups should have youth members, be associated with a local government entity, and engage in advocacy, elected official or public education, and/or community service. Examples of youth civic engagement groups include mayor’s youth advisory boards or youth councils.

During this 6-month testing period, free access as a tester will be limited to twelve youth civic engagement groups. After the tester period, N-YCE will be open to tester groups and other groups for a fee to be determined in partnership with the tester groups.

How does N-YCE work?

N-YCE uses publicly available free tools, including Zoom, Google Groups, Google Drive, Google Meet, and FlipGrid. Your youth civic engagement group will need either a Gmail/Google or Microsoft account to fully participate in N-YCE. N-YCE is managed by Laura Furr Consulting LLC.

How do we keep N-YCE safe for members?

The N-YCE moderator, Laura Furr, monitors online communication through N-YCE and restricts access to confirmed youth civic engagement groups. The moderator will remove posts that use offensive or threatening language or share personal information. By joining N-YCE, each youth civic engagement group must agree to follow a set of Guidelines for Members. The moderator will remove members that put the group or any of its members at risk, including through repeated violation of the Guidelines for Members.  However, Laura Furr Consulting is not liable for risk or harm caused by information or communication shared by youth civic engagement groups via N-YCE.